
Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Humanist Academy

The Humanist Academy is a not-for profit educational Scotish charity promoting the principles and practices of Humanism: Our work includes producing a range of education material for schools; running courses, seminars, workshops and exhibitions, and providing a variety of Humanist services for the general public.


The Humanist Academy principal aims are to increase the public understanding of the Humanist worldview, and to promote this worldview as a practical life-stance fit for contemporary living.

As a first step in achieving these aims, Humanism has to be widely known and understood. The Academy’s primary remit therefore is to work closely with the local education system and participate in a wide range of educational activities throughout the country. These activities include: providing a range of literature and multi-media products to schools, colleges and the general public; running courses, seminars and panel discussions as participating in as many educational (and social) activities and events as possible. Our intention is that with a strong educational programme, the Humanist worldview becomes as familiar as those that have dominated the Scottish cultural landscape for centuries, and that it ensures that the non-religious section of the population have the option of choosing a modern, secular and respected moral framework on which to anchor their lives.

Population of the Academy

includes Richard Dawkins, Susan Blackmore, Roy Brown, Julian Baginni, Daniel Dennett, A. C. Grayling, Stephen Law, Paul Kurtz...


Foundation Course in Humanism

  • Humanist Ethics
  • Active Humanism
  • Humanism and Science
The Library

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