Beyond Belief 2 was held in Autumn 2007. Speakers (full list) included 20+ scientists and philosophers.
Peter Atkins, Professor of Chemistry (30 minute video of talk)
I'm a fan of Peter Atkins! He is a wonderful ambassador for the supremacy of science as the best means of understanding the Universe. In his 20 minute talk he debunks both Theology AND Philosophy! Having said that I have hunted in vein to find a lengthy article or book on his views. Without further explanation of the reasoning behind his views, I find him to be just too dogmatic.
Prof. Peter Atkins said:-
I'm a reductionist - you can study the universe, take it apart, discover its simple components and then put it back together again.

Philosophy is such a ball & chain on progress and interferes with our true understanding. Philosophy has nothing to say about the fabric of reality and has nothing to say about ethical behaviour.

There is no real question that begins with the word 'Why'. Every 'Why' question should be deconstructed into 'How' questions. You only make progress with 'How' questions - you never make progress with 'why' questions.
eg. Why is their something rather than no
Is science superior to philosophy?
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