reposted from:New Humanist Update #76 (10 September 2007)
This issue our cover story by rising star Paul Sims asks if we should be worried about the rise of radical Islam on university campuses; meanwhile veteran Pakistani journalist Maruf Khwaja warns of the nuclear threat presented by his country's deepening crisis where Jihadis are gaining the upper hand. Elsewhere, Laurie Taylor introduces our major feature on humour where Jonathan Miller (president of the Rationalist Association which publishes New Humanist), Martin Rowson and Natalie Haynes draw on their more than a century of experience making us laugh to speculate on what humour is for, scientifically speaking. Natalie (a first time author as well as a rising comedy star) pops up again to investigate the latest crop of supernatural TV shows, while Sally Feldman turns her typically forensic gaze on the renewed fixation with virginity.
Chris Street attended this talk in London - good - apart from the £50 Traffic congestion charge!
Plus Rahila Gupta on the rise of modern slavery, Yves Gingras on why scientists shouldn't indulge mysticism, and Lucy Mangan on her search for put-downs for the pious. In our reviews section there's the Vicar of Putney on why you should read the Bible, Stan Cohen on the latest from JM Coetzee as well as books on Islamic democracy, British apathy, Jewish photography and 'real' sociology. And don't miss Laurie Taylor's Endgame column where he spills the beans on the BBC's paranoia over trust.
Don't forget to keep up to date with the New Humanist blog (linked to in the newsletter). Updated daily, the blog brings you links to key articles from across the web, news of upcoming events, and links to all the silliest news stories and clips from the bizarre world of religion.
* Pakistan on the brink, Virginity on the turn, Slavery on the rise: Sep/Oct New Humanist out now
* Jonathan Miller's science of humour
* Cover story: Degrees of hate?
* Quack science: Christopher Brookmyre on why his new novel his dedicated to the debunkers of pseudo-science
* Editorial: Those calling for partition in Iraq should remember the partition of India and Pakistan
* Follow the New Humanist blog
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