Thank you for applying to join the group. Please Note *** (below
When you applied, we asked if you would compose a short statement of your thoughts on two things:
a) What you think science IS.
b) What you think religion IS.
It need only be a very short paragraph.. perhaps 150 words!
We have this as a very basic check of eligibility, which we keep on file as a record of our thinking before we join. (There is quite a range of opinions, which generate some interesting discussion). We MAY also hold a competition to decide the most effective explanation.
So we hope you'll take part - but no-one will be excluded from the forum simply for failing this request. Please tell me if you think that this is an unreasonable request and whether anything about the front home page is off putting.Be sure to find the Polls and File on the menu (You have permission to submit your own) and look back at old postings. We have need of more people to act as moderators, who will also be asked to join the steering committee.
***SEND the submission to me at the science.berkshumanists@ntlworld address
David McKnight
Description http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bhascience
No science qualifications are required to join this group but you will have to be a member of the British Humanist Association. It would help to have an overview of topical aspects of science and religion. This is a temporary home for the group whilst it develops aims, objectives and processes to allow the production of something overtly useful to Humanism. In the future it hopes to concentrate on helping the ordinary citizen appreciate the processes of science and how they might apply it more to problems in their own life. Also to help them dismiss harmful myths, guilt and unnecessary beliefs, as part of the Humanist aim to increase the sum total of human happiness.There are plenty of other science groups for general discussion and information, so this group intends to be different. We do not intend to duplicate the work of other groups with similar purposes.
Items suitable inclusion might be
1) Practical exercises to show how everyone can benefit from the sort of structured and critical thinking that science has used for a very long time.
2) The potential for science acting as a comforting agent and a controlled method of looking sensibly into the future.
3) How science can defend itself by methods for dismissing pseudo science.
These are amongst others that would be discussed and hopefully lead to an increase in the public understanding of science.
When you apply, we'd like you to compose a short statement of your thoughts on two things:
a) What you think science IS.
b) What you think religion IS.
It need only be a very short paragraph.. perhaps 150 words!
We have this as a very basic check of eligibility, which we keep on file as a record of our thinking before we join. (There is quite a range of opinions, which generate some interesting discussion). We MAY also hold a competition to decide the most effective explanation.
So we hope you'll take part - but no-one will be excluded from the forum simply for failing this request.
If the BHA science group would like a nice private internet forum instead of an irritating yahoo group, you would be welcome to follow the example of the BHA humanist vegetarian group and join the Think Humanism forum which, starting next week, will be hosting the HVG forum. This is a free service we are delighted to provide in our efforts to support humanist groups everywhere.
ReplyDeleteYou can have a completely private forum, a semi-private forum or an open one and you would have complete control over it, unless you wished to delegate any tasks to the ThinkHumanism Administrator. The choice is yours. If you are interested, contact me at admin@thinkhumanism.com.
Best regards