source: http://richarddawkins.net/article,4235,n,n
Darwin Song Project (website)
by Robin Denselow - guardian.co.uk
Thanks to Aurelian for the link.
This is an intriguing, impressive album that results from a brave and unlikely collaboration. Back in March, eight singer-songwriters from the UK and the US came together to compose new songs that had a "resonance and relevance" to Charles Darwin, who was born in Shrewsbury 200 years ago. They had just a week to write and rehearse for a concert in Shrewsbury, where this album was recorded. There are 17 new songs here, covering Darwin's life and the confusion and anger that his theory of evolution first caused - and continues to cause - for anyone from his loyal but worried wife to present-day creationists.
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Listen to samples and buy below. UK release 31-Aug, US release 08-Sep
Link to Amazon UK
Link to Amazon US
Lots of other YouTube video's out there at this url or by searching You Tube for "The Darwin Project"
HASSNERS.org comments
Mp3 samples: http://www.darwinsongproject.com/music-overview.html
This work by crabsallover is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
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