source podcast: http://www.pointofinquiry.org/paul_kurtz_science_and_the_limits_of_the_new_skepticism/
HASSNERS.org highlights
HASSNERS.org Notes
- Shermer has written books on Religious scepticism
- belief in the paranormal has declined - now focus is a broader focus
- doubt hypothesis or theories until you get support
- use in everyday life
- critical thinking - hone skills; appreciation of scientific method
- religion needs examination - skeptical inquiry needed
- no direct atheist assault on religion cf. village atheism / new atheist
- examine claims critically of religious faith
- apolitical nature of scepticism eg global warming
- evidence, evidence, evidence
- be cautious of certainty; adhere to principle of fallibility (wikipedia) - be prepared to doubt - listen to climate change sceptics - provided it is 'responsible' - flat earth idea is not 'responsible' but continental drifting is now accepted.
- Hume, Descartes, Galileo were sceptics cf. classical sceptics said NO knowledge is possible
- reliable v certain knowledge v high degrees of possibility - principle of fallibilism - posture of an educated mind
- sceptisism should be extended to religion, politics, ethics and society - rationality should apply to all areas
- not negative sceptics, not debunkers, not nihilists - emphasis of tests of evidence - new scepticism is positive
This work by crabsallover is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
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